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Privacy Manipulation and Acclimation in a Location Sharing Application at Ubicomp2013

September 2013: Shomir Wilson presents our joint paper on Privacy Manipulation and Acclimation in a Location Sharing Application at Ubicomp2013 in Zurich.


First cohort of students enter our new Master’s Program in Privacy Engineering

August 2013


Carnegie Mellon Leads NSF Project To Help People Understand Web Privacy Policies

August 2013: CMU press release about our new NSF Frontier project on Usable Privacy Policies and nice articles in the Pittsburgh Post Gazette and the Pittsburgh Business Times


Awarded one of three large “Frontier” research projects under NSF’s Secure and Trustworthy Computing program

August 2013: See NSF’s press release


Paper at KDD2013

August 2013:
B. Fu, J. Lin, Lei Li, C. Faloutsos, J. Hong, N. Sadeh. Why People Hate Your App – Making Sense of User Feedback in a Mobile App Store


$180,000 research gift from Google

July 2013: The Mobile Commerce Lab receives $180,000 research gift from Google under its “Privacy and Security Focused Program” for our work on “Smart privacy profiles for mobile apps”.


Attending Dagstuhl Seminar on My Life Shared: Trust and Privacy in the Age of Ubiquitous Experience Sharing

July 2013


Graduating Patrick Gage Kelley (co-advised with Lorrie Cranor): Congrats Patrick!

May 2013


Expert address on Using Mobile Social Media to Understand the Dynamics of Cities, Hong Kong University

May 2013


Two papers at CHI’2013 in Paris:

May 2013:

  • P. Gage Kelley, L. Cranor, N. Sadeh, Privacy as Part of the App Decision-Making Process
  • Sleeper, Manya, Justin Cranshaw, Patrick Gage Kelley, Blase Ur, Alessandro Acquisti, Lorrie Cranor, Norman Sadeh. I read my Twitter the next morning and was astonished: A conversational perspective on Twitter regrets

Awarded patent on User-Controllable Learning of Policies

April 2013


The shortage of privacy engineers

March/April 2013: Our article on the shortage of privacy engineers is featured in IEEE Security and Privacy


Awarded a Google app engine

Feb. 2013: Our group was just awarded a Google app engine grant for our work on Livehoods and our Twitter nudging research. Thank you, Google!


Tweets Are Forever: A Large-Scale Quantitative Analysis of Deleted Tweets

Feb. 2013: CSCW2013 presentation by Hazim Almuhimedi of our joint paper Tweets Are Forever: A Large-Scale Quantitative Analysis of Deleted Tweets


Moderating Data Privacy Day Panel on Will the Mobile Web and Social Networking Mark the End of Privacy?

January 28, 2013


Did Your Smartphone Flashlight Rat You Out? Crowdsourcing Privacy Concerns of Mobile Apps

January 2013: CMU press release on our Mobile App Privacy work: Did Your Smartphone Flashlight Rat You Out? Crowdsourcing Privacy Concerns of Mobile Apps . A nice piece in The Red Tape Chronicles and one in the Pittsburgh Tribune Review


Participating in CyLab Panel Discussion on Cyber Crime and Security organized in conjunction with screening of CODE 2600 documentary film

October 2012


Launching a new inter-disciplinary master’s program to train future Privacy Engineers and Privacy Technology Managers

October 2012


Talk at TEDx Yale City 2.0

October 2012


Patrick Gage Kelley Thesis Proposal: 'Designing Privacy Notices Supporting User Understanding and Control'

September 2012: Patrick Gage Kelley (COS PhD student) defends his dissertation on Designing Privacy Notices Supporting User Understanding and Control (Thesis Committee: Lorrie Cranor, Norman Sadeh, Alessandro Acquisti and Sunny Consolvo)


'Understanding Users’ Mental Models of Mobile App Privacy through Crowdsourcing'

September 2012: Ubicomp2012 presentation of our paper on Expectation and Purpose: Understanding Users’ Mental Models of Mobile App Privacy through Crowdsourcing (authors: J. Lin, S. Amini, J. Hong, N. Sadeh, J. Lindqvist, J. Zhang)


Jialiu Lin Thesis Proposal

August 2012: Jialiu Lin (CSD PhD student) presents her thesis proposal on Understanding and Capturing People’s Mobile App Privacy Preferences (Thesis Committee: Jason Hong, Norman Sadeh, Mahadev Satyanarayanan, Sunny Consolvo)


New Master's for Privacy Engineers

CMU press release and a nice article in the Pittsburgh Post Gazette presenting new Privacy Engineering Masters Program


2012 Personal Democracy Forum , Panel on “the SENSEable City”, New York

June 11, 2012


Our Sixth International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media article on urban computing wins the best paper award

June 2012: See also our livehoods website.