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Wombat Security Technologies

October 2017: Wombat Security Technologies is clear leader for 4th consecutive year in Gartner’s 2017 Magic Quadrant in Security Awareness Computer-Based Training


Privacy Preferences and Expectations in an IoT World

August 2017: Our 2017 SOUPS article on Privacy Preferences and Expectations in an IoT World discussed on the CyLab website


Best paper award at ACM MMSys Conference

June 2017: Best paper award at ACM MMSys Conference for our article on A Scalable and Privacy-Aware IoT Service for Live Video Analytics



May 2017: Invited Speaker at FTC Technology and Consumer Protection Workshop (ConPro’17) in San Jose (co-located with 38th IEEE Symposium on Security & Privacy Conference)


Expert address at Hong Kong University

March 2017: IoT Security and Privacy: What Can We Learn from the Mobile App Stores? Expert address at Hong Kong University


Assisting Users in a World Full of Cameras: A Privacy-aware Infrastructure for Computer Vision Applications

July 2017: Anupam Das presents our article on Assisting Users in a World Full of Cameras: A Privacy-aware Infrastructure for Computer Vision Applications at workshop on the Bright and Dark Sides of Computer Vision: Challenges and Opportunities for Privacy and Security IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW)


Google faculty research award

May 2017: I am the recipient of a Google faculty research award for my work on a privacy infrastructure for the Internet of Things.


MIT Technology Review

May 2017: MIT Technology Review article on our Privacy Assistant work – Personal AI Privacy Watchdog Could Help you Regain Control of Your Data


Many apps fail to disclose the collection and sharing of sensitive data

April 2017: Our mobile app privacy compliance work featured on CyLab website


Privacy Assistant in the Google Play store.

February 2017: Just released first version of our Privacy Assistant in the Google Play store. For the time being, it’s only available for rooted Android phones. Hoping that over time we can make it available to everyone. The launch is also getting some nice press coverage, including The Verge, PC Magazine and the Boston Globe


How app makers increasingly track your every move

February 2017: Christian Science Monitor mentions our research


What If Computers Understood Privacy Policies? And, What If They Knew What We Care About?

February 2017: What If Computers Understood Privacy Policies? And, What If They Knew What We Care About? is the title of my Cylab Distinguished Seminar on February 20. Here’s a link to the video


Conceiving and Running Center-Scale Frontier Projects

January 2017: As lead PI of our Usable Privacy Policy Project Frontier project, participated in panel on Conceiving and Running Center-Scale Frontier Projects at NSF’s Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace (SaTC) Principal Investigators’ Meeting


Automated Analysis of Privacy Requirements for Mobile Apps

January 2017: Sebastian Zimmeck to present our paper on Automated Analysis of Privacy Requirements for Mobile Apps at the FTC’s PrivacyCon conference


Helping the visually impaired identify phishing emails

January 2017: Project by Amanda Holt, Thomas Koike and Roykrong Sukkerd to help the visually impaired identify phishing emails. See also CyLab article here featured on CyLab webpage. The project was conducted in my Information Security and Privacy class this past Fall semester


Privacy Day at CMU

January 2017: Co-organizing Privacy Day at CMU with Lorrie Cranor


AAAI Fall Symposium on Privacy and Language Technologies

November 2016: I’ll be giving the opening keynote at the AAAI Fall Symposium on Privacy and Language Technologies DC. Our Usable Privacy Policy Project will also be presenting four papers at the Symposium.


Mobile App Behavior Often Appears at Odds With Privacy Policies

November 2016: CMU press release on our mobile app compliance tool and our work with the California AG


Wombat Security Technologies ranked 144th fastest growing company in North America

November 2016: Wombat Security Technologies ranked 144th fastest growing company in North America in Deloitte’s 2016 Technology Fast 500 and also fastest growing company in Pennsylvania for second year in a row


FTC Chairwoman Ramirez mentions Personalized Privacy Assistant

October 2016: FTC Chairwoman Ramirez mentions our privacy assistant for the Internet of Things in interview with MIT Technology Review


California AG’s Office has been piloting our Mobile App Privacy Compliance tool

October 2016: The California AG’s Office has been piloting our Mobile App Privacy Compliance tool for the past several months. See recent press release from the Cal AG’s Office This is research funded under our Usable Privacy Policy Project and our Personalized Privacy Assistant project


Magic quadrant for cybersecurity training for Wombat Security Technologies

October 2016: Gartner Group positions Wombat Security Technologies as Leader in its magic quadrant for cybersecurity training for 3rd consecutive year


CIO Magazine: 'Carnegie Mellon University helps you control your privacy'

September 2016: Our privacy work is featured in CIO Magazine


FTC and the Personalized Privacy Assistant Project

August 2016: FTC Chairwoman Edith Ramirez mentions our Personalized Privacy Assistant project in her keynote address at the Technology Policy Institute Aspen Forum


Ed Tech: 'Internet of Things: Coming to Your Campus Soon'

August 2016: Recent coverage in Ed Tech article focusing on security and privacy in IoT