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Cybersecurity Commercialization Founders and Funders Workshop

March 2019: Panelist, Cybersecurity Commercialization Founders and Funders Workshop Schwarz Center for Entrepreneurship, Tepper School of Business, Carnegie Mellon University


Technology to automatically read privacy policies

March 2019: CyLab article discusses our work on technology to automatically read privacy policies


AAAI Spring Symposium on Privacy-Enhancing AI and Language Technologies

March 2019: Co-organizing AAAI Spring Symposium on Privacy-Enhancing AI and Language Technologies (PAL2019) at Stanford.


Congress: Make Privacy the Rule – Not the Exception

Feb 1, 2019: Op-ed in the Hill: Congress: Make Privacy the Rule – Not the Exception


Privacy Day Celebration at CMU

Feb 1, 2019 : Co-Organizing Privacy Day Celebration at CMU


Wombat Security Technologies: How We Got to a $225M Exit by Phishing our Customers,

November 29, 2018: Wombat Security Technologies: How We Got to a $225M Exit by Phishing our Customers, TiE Pittsburgh keynote, Schwartz Center for Entrepreneurship, Carnegie Mellon University


This Belgian authority in artificial intelligence sold his company for 225 million dollars

November 2018 Nice article in Trends about me (here’s the Google Translation from Dutch into English)


Debating Ethics: Dignity and Respect in Data-Driven Life, 40th International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners

October 24, 2018: Panelist, Debating Ethics: Dignity and Respect in Data-Driven Life, 40th International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners, European Parliament, Brussels. A CyLab Q&A, following the panel can be found here . You can watch a video of my initial remarks here or watch the full panel here , or you can read the conference report


Awarded new $1.2M NSF grant

August 2018: Awarded new $1.2M NSF grant for collaboration with Serge Egelman and Helen Nissenbaum to inform the development of privacy controls in mobile and IoT using contextual integrity


Keynote at NSF Workshop

June 2018: Keynote at NSF Workshop on Security Assured Cyberinfrastructure in Pennsylvania (SAC-PA2), Pittsburgh, PA, June 2018


2018 Pittsburgh Venture Capital Association (PVCA) Outstanding Entrepreneur award

May 15, 2018: Honored to receive the 2018 Pittsburgh Venture Capital Association (PVCA) Outstanding Entrepreneur award together with Joe Ferrara. PVCA’s awards recognize “remarkable entrepreneurs…for their extraordinary contributions to innovation and the region’s entrepreneurial vitality”. Here’s a list of earlier honorees


Artificial Intelligence, the Internet of Things and Privacy: Are We Doomed?

May 2018: Expert Address at Hong Kong University, “Artificial Intelligence, the Internet of Things and Privacy: Are We Doomed?”


Towards a Roadmap for Privacy Technologies and the General Data Protection Regulation: A transatlantic initiative

Article at the Annual Privacy Forum in Barcelona:

Schiffner, Berendt et al. Towards a Roadmap for Privacy Technologies and the General Data Protection Regulation: A transatlantic initiative


Interview: Facebook and the Cambridge Analytica fiasco

April 2018: Interviewed on local KDKA TV news channel about Facebook and the Cambridge Analytica fiasco

Image: Inc.Magazine


Which Apps have Privacy Policies?

Article at the Annual Privacy Forum in Barcelona:

Story, Zimmeck, Sadeh, Which Apps have Privacy Policies?


App Permissions Don't Tell Us Nearly Enough About Our Apps

April 2018: Quoted in Wired article discussing the limitations of app permissions, including the way in which permission bundling forces users to make impossible decisions – as shown in our research.


Panelist at IAPP

March 29, 2018: Panelist at IAPP’s Inaugural Privacy Engineering Section Forum IAPP Global Summit, Washington DC. I’m on the panel titled: “The Regulators View: Engineering Mitigation Efforts”.


Carnegie Mellon researchers create an AI to help us make sense of privacy policies

March 1, 2018: Check out article and video on our technology to automatically interpret statements found in privacy policies. The article is based on the new release of our website. Here’s also an article in Fast Company/Co-Design


Wombat Security Technologies acquired by Proofpoint

March 1, 2018: After an amazing 10 years, Wombat Security Technologies, the CMU spinoff I co-founded with Jason Hong and Lorrie Cranor to commercialize results of our research on combating phishing attacks was acquired by Proofpoint for $225M. Here is the CMU press release. The original Proofpoint press release is here. This is also covered in news articles abroad (e.g., here’s a French article in Le Monde Informatique).


FTC Privacy Conference

Feb. 28, 2018: Our research group presents two papers and several posters at the FTC’s annual Privacy Conference. I’ll be presenting our work on privacy assistants to help users keep up with the broad deployment of cameras and computer vision algorithms – see our article here


Privacy Day Celebration at CMU

Jan 26, 2018: Co-Organizing Privacy Day Celebration at CMU. See also CyLab announcement here.


Jan 26, 2018: Announcing the release of new interactive website showcasing machine-generated annotations of a little over 7,000 privacy policies


Wombat Security Technologies ranked 135th fastest growing company in North America

November 2017: Wombat Security Technologies ranked 135th fastest growing company in North America in Deloitte’s 2017 Technology Fast 500. See Wombat’s press release including other recent accomplishments.


3 Rivers Venture Fair

October 2017: Panelist at 3 Rivers Venture Fair (Pittsburgh) – Panel on Cybersecurity


From Big Data, to Machine Learning, to AI

October 2017: Panelist at Privacy + Security Forum (Washington, DC) – Panel titled “From Big Data, to Machine Learning, to AI